Meet Dr. Daniel Truelove Jr.

As an organizational climate and culture consultant, Dr. Daniel Truelove Jr. transforms organizations and schools into thriving environments for leaders, staff, and students. A graduate of the University of Alabama with a degree in Psychology, Dr. Daniel Truelove’s work focuses on helping organizations and educational institutions improve leadership effectiveness, staff cohesion, and engagement. Through his program, Now You’re Speaking My Language, Dr. Truelove has successfully guided leaders in building stronger teams, improving communication and collaboration, and equipping staff and educators to effectively engage those they serve.

Organizational Climate & Culture Consultant | Certified DiSC Facilitator

Dr. Daniel Truelove’s expertise in Professional DISC Analysis and Behavior & Learning Styles allows him to provide actionable insights that resonate with today’s organizational and educational leaders. As the internationally recognized author of Tré and McKenzie Make New Friends and creator of the Character Culture Academy, Dr. Truelove brings a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies, empowering teams with the tools they need to transform their environments from the inside out.

Tré and McKenzie Make New Friends

Join Tré & McKenzie on their quest to Make New Friends with good character! This book provides children with lessons on character development by navigating through real-world experiences that young people face. In a world where kids have a desire to be accepted, it’s important for them to know they don’t have to compromise their character to make friends. Making new friends can be challenging at times. This story is a reminder that people like Tré and McKenzie and their new friends exist!

*Contact us to learn more about the curriculum bundle.*

The character book your children, students and youth programs need!


  • "Daniel is such a gift of encouragement to educators, what a living testimony of the powerful impacts we have each day with our students! He shared with vulnerability and perseverance. I’m grateful for his life & his contributions to help students & educators."

    -Hailey Vernon

  • "Great information to improve teamwork to make the dream work! Being able to better understand each other’s perspectives enables improved communication, climate, productivity and promotes a joyful work environment."

    -Gena Hall

  • "Mr. Truelove delivered a masterful presentation on DISC, effectively bringing life to the session with his humor and energy as he explored different personality types."

    -Dr. Clayton Barksdale